Set up a green screen in obs install and open obs.
Obs green screen tutorial. The obs green screen tutorial below shows you how to green screen. However xsplit any other broadcasting software that supports a chromakey filter can utilize a similar method like this. Open broadcaster software or obs is a free live streaming and game recording program. Green screen stream setup in obs studio or streamlabs obs duration.
How to live stream with a green screen obs tutorial duration. In this post i will show you how to use green screen in obs studio. The first thing that you need to be able to create this effect is number one a green screen or some kind of seamless screen. Gaming careers 265 528 views.
Skyler thomas 836 532 views. I receive a lot of comments and questions about how to do certain things. Select video capture device from the available options. This could be a green screen it could be a blue screen it could be some sheets that are one seamless color.
5 green screen mistakes beginners make duration. Typically they use green or blue because it s opposite of our skin tone. In today s tutorial i ll be showing you how to setup and use a green screen in open broadcaster software.